Spigot shutoff

Spigot shutoff

Fall preparations are still in order. If you have an outdoor faucet remember to drain and detach the hose. If you have a shutoff right at the end of the silcock (part of the faucet / spigot that comes inside) then shut it off and open up the spigot.  Also invest in a Foam Faucet…

More Fall Tips!

More Fall Tips!

Fall Preparation Tip!  Be sure to take the time now while it’s still warm to fill in the cracks.  Literally, the cracks in your driveway, sidewalk and even foundation. This is a great step to get done while the weather is at the perfect temperature.  Just another tip from KMB Plumbing’s Fall Preparation List.  Signup…

House DIY Fall Help

House DIY Fall Help

Are you the DIY’er?  Here is a Fall tip to help you save some cash and hopefully keep your window / outdoor unit running longer.  Vacuum internal parts of air conditioners, and remember to drain or blow away any settled water within the unit.  Remove units from windows or wrap the outside box with an…