Driveway Lighting

Driveway Lighting

Looking to add more lighting options around your house?  As summer is coming to an end, and the closer we get to Fall, the shorter daylight becomes.  From motion detecting spotlights, to front door lamps, to driveway lighting, we have options for you!  Give the experts at KMB Plumbing, Electrical & HVAC a call at…

Poconos Plumbing, Electrical, HVAC answer
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Poconos Plumbing, Electrical, HVAC answer

Time is money so don’t waste yours searching for an electrician, plumber, and HVAC company.  At KMB Plumbing, Electrical & HVAC it’s in our name. We handle them ALL. Having a problem that requires a plumber?  We are here! Need an electrician for a job?  That’s us too! Summer and Winter too hot and too…